Saureus 35 all2

Name NumContigs NumRefReplicons NumAssemblyBases NumReferenceBases NumLCBs DCJ_Distance NumDCJBlocks NumSNPs NumMisCalled NumUnCalled NumGapsRef NumGapsAssembly TotalBasesMissed PercBasesMissed ExtraBases PercExtraBases MissingChromosomes ExtraContigs NumSharedBoundaries NumInterLcbBoundaries BrokenCDS IntactCDS ContigN50^ ContigN90 MinContigLength MaxContigLength N50^ Blast Units(>200) N50^ cor.Units cor.N50 Error,(Indel>=5,Inv,Rel)
A_E.m2.fasta 667 2 2762382 2841116 4 653 655 18 18 0 574 468 92048 3.2399 6469 0.2342 0 14 1 2 123 2528 10119 2225 105 42009 10225 2420 569 10009 571 9973 2,(0,0,2)
A_S.m2.fasta 697 2 2775030 2841116 7 682 684 62 62 0 648 406 84585 2.9772 7622 0.2747 0 17 1 3 126 2525 9423 2182 104 32720 9580 2421 604 9342 606 9342 2,(0,0,2)
A_V.m2.fasta 845 2 2772482 2841116 4 823 825 61 61 0 782 571 93028 3.2743 10372 0.3741 0 22 1 2 154 2497 8584 1846 100 32722 8608 2377 691 8424 693 8415 2,(0,0,2)
E_A.m2.fasta 667 2 2763167 2841116 4 652 654 22 22 0 574 468 92035 3.2394 7239 0.262 0 15 1 2 122 2529 10119 2233 105 42009 10225 2421 569 10009 571 9973 2,(0,0,2)
E_S.m2.fasta 634 2 2769005 2841116 6 622 624 57 57 0 581 426 85894 3.0232 7220 0.2607 0 12 1 3 111 2540 9770 2300 105 40391 9822 2428 562 9428 564 9428 2,(0,0,2)
E_V.m2.fasta 716 2 2765903 2841116 4 701 703 31 31 0 653 536 92995 3.2732 9991 0.3612 0 16 1 1 142 2509 9030 2039 105 40391 9061 2400 615 8780 617 8776 2,(0,0,2)
S_A.m2.fasta 697 2 2775029 2841116 10 682 684 67 67 0 642 406 80819 2.8446 7539 0.2717 0 18 1 5 120 2531 9423 2182 104 32720 9580 2421 604 9342 606 9342 2,(0,0,2)
S_E.m2.fasta 635 2 2769186 2841116 9 624 626 46 46 0 583 429 86112 3.0309 7199 0.26 0 15 1 3 112 2539 9770 2300 105 40391 9823 2428 562 9428 564 9428 2,(0,0,2)
S_V.m2.fasta 874 2 2777372 2841116 9 858 860 68 68 0 814 622 83103 2.925 11879 0.4277 0 19 1 4 159 2492 6721 1690 103 26969 6742 2361 756 6636 758 6624 3,(0,0,3)
V_A.m2.fasta 845 2 2772484 2841116 4 823 825 47 47 0 780 570 86518 3.0452 10138 0.3657 0 22 1 2 155 2496 8584 1846 100 32722 8608 2377 691 8424 693 8415 2,(0,0,2)
V_E.m2.fasta 716 2 2765120 2841116 4 701 703 35 35 0 652 535 92690 3.2625 9232 0.3339 0 16 1 1 141 2510 9030 2033 105 40391 9061 2399 615 8780 617 8776 2,(0,0,2)
V_S.m2.fasta 874 2 2777373 2841116 11 860 862 67 67 0 815 627 83024 2.9222 11898 0.4284 0 19 1 4 159 2492 6721 1690 103 26969 6742 2361 756 6636 758 6624 2,(0,0,2)
A_E.gaa.fa.fas 956 2 2780500 2841116 4 902 904 126 126 0 796 618 82917 2.9185 10062 0.3619 0 54 1 2 171 2480 7793 1593 100 32726 7814 2340 736 7511 738 7467 2,(0,0,2)
A_S.gaa.fa.fas 962 2 2786249 2841116 4 886 888 92 92 0 816 572 81100 2.8545 10938 0.3926 0 76 1 2 169 2482 7747 1589 100 32720 7793 2348 736 7474 738 7467 3,(0,0,3)
A_V.gaa.fa.fas 940 2 2777413 2841116 4 897 899 39 39 0 838 631 85879 3.0227 11485 0.4135 0 43 1 2 172 2479 7796 1635 100 32722 7818 2343 737 7474 739 7467 2,(0,0,2)
E_A.gaa.fa.fas 974 2 2775165 2841116 4 916 918 41 41 0 742 654 84985 2.9913 8551 0.3081 0 58 1 2 183 2468 6936 1644 100 37100 6965 2304 762 6785 764 6785 2,(0,0,2)
E_S.gaa.fa.fas 987 2 2786291 2841116 4 900 902 39 39 0 782 610 81661 2.8743 11890 0.4267 0 87 1 2 183 2468 6830 1642 100 37109 6936 2318 764 6792 765 6792 2,(0,0,2)
E_V.gaa.fa.fas 981 2 2779621 2841116 4 922 924 70 70 0 796 667 83629 2.9435 11261 0.4051 0 60 1 1 188 2463 6936 1644 100 37109 6969 2314 765 6803 767 6803 2,(0,0,2)
S_A.gaa.fa.fas 947 2 2786157 2841116 9 902 904 49 49 0 843 570 78299 2.7559 12281 0.4408 0 48 1 4 166 2485 6386 1633 100 26967 6427 2349 780 6360 782 6348 3,(0,0,3)
S_E.gaa.fa.fas 953 2 2788709 2841116 9 905 907 45 45 0 839 594 76953 2.7085 13025 0.4671 0 52 1 3 167 2484 6398 1614 100 26967 6427 2348 780 6360 782 6355 3,(0,0,3)
S_V.gaa.fa.fas 948 2 2783925 2841116 9 916 918 46 46 0 854 655 79208 2.7879 12828 0.4608 0 35 1 4 164 2487 6386 1605 100 26969 6440 2350 780 6360 782 6348 3,(0,0,3)
V_A.gaa.fa.fas 1164 2 2781207 2841116 4 1114 1116 179 179 0 1006 841 87098 3.0656 15583 0.5603 0 50 1 2 229 2422 5337 1323 100 22892 5348 2239 941 5312 943 5312 2,(0,0,2)
V_E.gaa.fa.fas 1178 2 2786482 2841116 4 1123 1125 95 95 0 1005 874 83921 2.9538 16628 0.5967 0 56 1 1 229 2422 5335 1319 100 22892 5337 2240 941 5322 943 5322 2,(0,0,2)
V_S.gaa.fa.fas 1187 2 2788297 2841116 4 1119 1121 80 80 0 1005 838 83035 2.9226 15852 0.5685 0 68 1 2 227 2424 5334 1320 100 22892 5337 2246 943 5315 945 5315 2,(0,0,2)

[^] Please note that the ContigN50 calculated by Mauve Assembly Metrics is incorrect (off-by-one error). We have followed the definition of N50 (A contig N50 is calculated by first ordering every contig by length from longest to shortest. Next, starting from the longest contig, the lengths of each contig are summed, until this running sum equals one-half of the total length of all contigs in the assembly. The contig N50 of the assembly is the length of the shortest contig in this list. ref) to calculate N50s. GAGE's N50 was calculated using the total reference genome length rather than the sum total of contig lengths. The GAGE's cor.N50 values were computed after correcting contigs by breaking them at each error.