B. cereus

Bacillus cereus strain ATCC_10987. The B. cereus ATCC_10987 consists of a circular chromosome of 5,224,283 bp and one plasmid of 208,369 bp in length, respectively.

Read source

The paired-end illumina read data of B. cereus were available at Gage-B.

Sequence assembly

We have downloaded the scaffolding assemblies of B. cereus from SPAdes website.

Contig integrator

We have used CISA to integrate the assemblies and generated CISA's contigs.


  • Benchmark genome
B. cereus ATCC_10987
  • Evaluated by QUAST
Running QUAST needs gene and sequence information. There are 6014 genes in total.
Basic statistics ABySS CABOD MaSuRCA SGA SOAPdenovo SPAdes 2.5 Velvet CISA
# contigs 74 33 61 341 56 53 78 32
Largest contig 430487 1198056 1197734 106317 1194879 1202947 896381 1205706
Total length 5380708 5420940 5433046 5321914 5344353 5379795 5356258 5469099
NG50 135613 431479 337861 25512 456635 485493 247748 487570
# misassemblies 4 15 15 3 1 3 9 11
Misassembled contigs length  155883 1987058 765654 24763 90965 94799 723259 2399227
Genome statistics
Genome fraction (%) 98.444 99.334 99.009 97.438 98.099 98.554 97.523 99.38
# genes 5819 + 64 part  5965 + 34 part  5964 + 34 part  5635 + 231 part  5839 + 44 part  5950 + 27 part  5604 + 275 part  5980 + 28 part 
# mismatches per 100 kbp 6.62 4.43 8.96 0.7 8.16 2.07 5.93 6.08
# indels per 100 kbp 7.57 5.86 5.95 2 5.69 2.39 30.28 2.78
# N's per 100kbp 116.43 17.43 7.49 0 8.51 15.24 783.91 0.04

A dot plot (pdf) of CISA assembly against the reference genome.

A dot plot (pdf) of MaSuRCA assembly against the reference genome.