1 14641 | 31804 17164 | 14641 14641 | 99.99 | CLC_100_len:33932 Velvet_45_len:70264 |
1 14641 | 31804 17164 | 14641 14641 | 99.99 | CLC_100_len:33932 Velvet_45_len:70264 |
14608 33932 | 13945 33269 | 19325 19325 | 100.00 | CLC_100_len:33932 Velvet_42_len:58831 |
14608 33932 | 13945 33269 | 19325 19325 | 100.00 | CLC_100_len:33932 Velvet_42_len:58831 |
- |
: The representative contig CLC_100 is misassembled. We removed this contig and introduce an extra representative contig - Abyss_129.
+ |
: The representative contig CLC_100 is misassembled. We removed this contig and introduced an extra representative contig - Abyss_129 in CISA2.
+ |
* The processed contigs named '''R2_contigs.fa''' is placed outside the CISA2 folder.