Version Differences for E. coli

Line 190:
  : The results show that    : The results show that 
- # the integrated contigs output by CISA can be scaffolded by SSPACE to a limited extent, which suggests that our CISA can indeed integrate the sequence information from different assemblies.   + # the integrated contigs output by CISA can be scaffolded by SSPACE to a limited extent (from 77 to 69), which suggests that our CISA can indeed integrate the sequence information from different assemblies.  
  # to introduce the paired-end reads to the pre-assembled contigs generated by Abyss using SSPACE (Abyss+SSPACE) can only reduce the number of contigs to 101, smaller than the effect made by CISA, which suggests that contig integration prior to scaffolding can further enhance the result.    # to introduce the paired-end reads to the pre-assembled contigs generated by Abyss using SSPACE (Abyss+SSPACE) can only reduce the number of contigs to 101, smaller than the effect made by CISA, which suggests that contig integration prior to scaffolding can further enhance the result.