Version Differences for E. coli

(Sequence assembly)
(Sequence assembly)
Line 22:
  </table>    </table> 
  Merged File: [[Media:Set1 Contigs.fa|Set1_Contig]]    Merged File: [[Media:Set1 Contigs.fa|Set1_Contig]] 
- : : The above assemblers together with the parameter setting have been selected for ''de novo'' assembling of ''E. coli''. After assembly, we discarded contigs with less than 100bp and evaluated the accuracy of the assemblies based on the Mauve Assembly Matrices (the results are shown below). In this set of data, we have different sequence assemblies, each was generated by the different assembler. Because even the same assemble performs differently over varying parameter settings such as kmer, we have tried different parameter settings for Abyss and SOAPdenovo in the following sets.   + : The above assemblers together with the parameter setting have been selected for ''de novo'' assembling of ''E. coli''. After assembly, we discarded contigs with less than 100bp and evaluated the accuracy of the assemblies based on the Mauve Assembly Matrices (the results are shown below). In this set of data, we have different sequence assemblies, each was generated by the different assembler. Because even the same assemble performs differently over varying parameter settings such as kmer, we have tried different parameter settings for Abyss and SOAPdenovo in the following sets.