Version Differences for E. coli

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  : The results show:    : The results show: 
- # The integrated contigs output by CISA can be scaffolded by SSPACE to a limited extent (from 77 to 69), which suggests that our CISA can indeed integrate the sequence information from different assemblies.   + # The integrated contigs output by CISA can be scaffolded by SSPACE to a limited extent (from 72 to 69), which suggests that our CISA can indeed integrate the sequence information from different assemblies.  
- # To introduce the paired-end reads to the pre-assembled contigs generated by Abyss using SSPACE (Abyss+SSPACE) can only reduce the number of contigs from 133 to 101, smaller than the effect made by CISA (from 133 to 77), which suggests that contig integration prior to scaffolding can further enhance the result.   + # To introduce the paired-end reads to the pre-assembled contigs generated by Abyss using SSPACE (Abyss+SSPACE) can only reduce the number of contigs from 133 to 101, smaller than the effect made by CISA (from 133 to 72), which suggests that contig integration prior to scaffolding can further enhance the result.  
  # The problem of misassembled contigs generated by minimus2 is not yet solved by SSPACE, which suggests that we should integrate contigs with caution.    # The problem of misassembled contigs generated by minimus2 is not yet solved by SSPACE, which suggests that we should integrate contigs with caution.