Version Differences for E. coli

Line 145:
  : [[Image:Dotplot.jpg]]    : [[Image:Dotplot.jpg]] 
  : CISA integrates the five assemblies (Abyss, CLC, Edena, SOAPdenovo and Velvet from the outer to the inner) and sequentially generates the processed contigs after phase (1), (2), (3) and (4):    : CISA integrates the five assemblies (Abyss, CLC, Edena, SOAPdenovo and Velvet from the outer to the inner) and sequentially generates the processed contigs after phase (1), (2), (3) and (4): 
Line 150:
    + : Minimus2 firstly merges SOAPdenovo (the inner) with CLC (the outer), then merges the output (the inner) with Velvet (the outer) in the second run, merges the output (the inner) with Edena (the outer) in the third run, finally merges the output (the inner) with Abyss (the outer) in the fourth run and generates the integrated contigs.  
    + : [[Image:S+C.png]][[Image:output+V.png]][[Image:output+E.png]][[Image:output+A.png]][[Image:output.png]]  
  '''''Set2-Set3'''''    '''''Set2-Set3'''''