Version Differences for E. coli

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  : CISA integrates the five assemblies (Abyss, CLC, Edena, SOAPdenovo and Velvet from the outer to the inner) and sequentially generates the processed contigs after phase (1), (2), (3) and (4):    : CISA integrates the five assemblies (Abyss, CLC, Edena, SOAPdenovo and Velvet from the outer to the inner) and sequentially generates the processed contigs after phase (1), (2), (3) and (4): 
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  : We have visually inspected the assemblies against the reference genome (NC_000913) by using graphic representations, e.g. dot plots. Therefore, we knew that the largest contig generated by minimus2(A,C,E,S,V) was misassembled. Moreover, we found that the merging order dramatically influences the result of minimus2.    : We have visually inspected the assemblies against the reference genome (NC_000913) by using graphic representations, e.g. dot plots. Therefore, we knew that the largest contig generated by minimus2(A,C,E,S,V) was misassembled. Moreover, we found that the merging order dramatically influences the result of minimus2. 
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