Version Differences for Manual2

(Commands and configuration)
(Commands and configuration)
Line 41:
  The Gap is a optional variable.<br>    The Gap is a optional variable.<br> 
  if Gap attends, it will be used to split scoffolding by continuous 11 N.<br>    if Gap attends, it will be used to split scoffolding by continuous 11 N.<br> 
- if Gap is absent, the program will only merge data.   + if Gap is absent, the program will only merge data.<br>  
- <font color=red>將 print 出的資訊(genome size) 同時輸出在螢幕上以及存成檔案(genome_size.txt),以便使用者日後查看</font>   + <font color=red>將 print 出的資訊(genome size) 同時輸出在螢幕上以及存成檔案(genome_size.txt),以便使用者日後查看</font><br>  
  <b><font size="5"></font></b>    <b><font size="5"></font></b>