Version Differences for Manual2

(Commands and configuration)
(Commands and configuration)
Line 50:
  The content of <font color=red>myconfig</font> file    The content of <font color=red>myconfig</font> file 
- genome=genome size   + genome=genome size <font color=blue> The genome size of each genome contain in genome_size.txt file. The largest genome size will be recommended to put here.</font>  
  infile=Contigs.fa    infile=Contigs.fa 
- nucmer=path/nucmer   + nucmer=path/nucmer <font color=blue> Please modify the "path" into the 安裝路徑.</font>  
- R2_Gap=0.9 (default:0.9)   + R2_Gap=0.9 <font color=blue>default:0.9</font> <font color=red>myconfig file中也改成0.9</font>  
- CISA=path/CISA1.0   + CISA=path/CISA1.0 <font color=blue> Please modify the "path" into the 安裝路徑.</font>  
- makeblastdb=path/makeblastdb   + makeblastdb=path/makeblastdb <font color=blue> Please modify the "path" into the 安裝路徑.</font>  
- blastn=path/blastn   + blastn=path/blastn <font color=blue> Please modify the "path" into the 安裝路徑.</font>  
  genome    genome