Version Differences for R. sphaeroides

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    + ''Bacillus cereus'' strain ATCC_10987. The ''B. cereus'' ATCC_10987 consists of a circular chromosome of 5,224,283 bp and one plasmid of 208,369 bp in length, respectively.  
    + == Read source ==  
    + : The paired-end illuminia read data of ''B. cereus'' were downloaded from [ Gage-B]  
    + == Sequence assembly ==  
    + There are eight assemblers, ABySS, CABOG, MaSuRCA, MIRA, SGA, SOAPdenovo, SPAdes 2.5 and Velvet, used in the data, and the scaffolding results were downloaded from [ SPAdes website]  
    + == Contig integrator ==  
    + [[Media:B.cereus_all_ctg.gz| Contigs]]<br>  
    + == Evaluation ==  
    + * '''Benchmark genome'''  
    + : [ B. cereus ATCC_10987]  
    + * '''Evaluated by QUAST'''  
    + : [ QUAST] (QUAST v2.1)  
    + : Running QUAST needs [[Media:NC_003909.ncbi.gz|gene]] and [[Media:NC_003909.fna.gz|sequence]] information.  
    + *'''Score with QUAST:'''  [ more detail]  
    + {| {{table}} border="1"  
    + | align="left" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Basic statisitcs'''  
    + | align="left" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''ABySS'''  
    + | align="left" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''CABOD'''  
    + | align="left" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''MaSuRCA'''  
    + | align="left" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''SGA'''  
    + | align="left" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''SOAPdenovo'''  
    + | align="left" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''SPAdes 2.5'''  
    + | align="left" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Velvet'''  
    + | align="left" style="background:#66CCFF;"|'''CISA'''  
    + |-  
    + | # contigs||74||33||61||341||56||53||78||'''''32'''''  
    + |-  
    + | Largest contig||430487||1198056||1197734||106317||1194879||1202947||896381||'''''1205706'''''  
    + |-  
    + | Total length||5380708||5420940||5433046||5321914||5344353||5379795||5356258||'''''5469099'''''  
    + |-  
    + | NG50||135613||431479||337861||25512||456635||485493||247748||'''''487570'''''  
    + |-  
    + | align="left" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Misassemblies'''  
    + |-  
    + | # misassemblies||4||15||15||3||1||3||9||'''''11'''''  
    + |-  
    + |Misassembled contigs length ||155883 ||1987058 ||765654 ||24763 ||90965 ||94799 ||723259 ||'''''2399227'''''  
    + |-  
    + | align="left" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Genome statistics'''  
    + |-  
    + | Genome fraction (%)||98.444||99.334||99.009||97.438||98.099||98.554||97523||'''''99.38'''''  
    + |-  
    + | # genes||5819 + 64 part ||5965 + 34 part ||5964 + 34 part ||5635 + 231 part ||5839 + 44 part ||5950 + 27 part ||5604 + 275 part ||'''''5980 + 28 part '''''  
    + |-  
    + | # mismatches per 100 kbp || 6.62 ||4.43 ||8.96|| 0.7 || 8.16 || 2.07 || 5.93 ||'''''6.08''''  
    + |-  
    + | # indels per 100 kbp ||7.57 ||5.86 ||5.95 ||2 ||5.69 ||2.39 ||30.28 ||'''''2.78'''''  
    + |-  
    + | # N's per 100kbp || 116.43 || 17.43 || 7.49 || 0 || 8.51 || 15.24 || 783.91 ||''''' 0.04'''''  
    + |-  
    + |}