CISA consists of four phases for contig integration.
Four folders are generated after running CISA.
In the phase 1 (CISA1):
- The representative contigs and their explained contigs are recorded in the file of Explained.txt.
- Information about contig extensions are recorded in the file of Extend_info.
- For example,
- Head: >Skeleton contig >Extended contig
- Tail: >Skeleton contig >Extended contig
- The processed contigs named R1_contigs.fa is placed outside the CISA1 folder.
In the phase 2 (CISA2):
- The uncertain regions located in the end of contigs were clipped (clip_info)
- The clipped out sequences are recorded in the file of clip_out
- The unalignable gaps are recorded in the file of Gaps, and the gaps of larger than 95th quantile (R2 are clipped.