
Revision as of 07 December 2011 18:20 by admin (Comments | Contribs)


Read source

The illuminia read data of E coli (Paired-end sequencing library with 200 bp inserts) downloaded from Sequence Read Archive (SRA).

Sequence assembly

Software Version Parameters Download
ABySS 1.3.0 k=31 Abyss
Velvet 1.1.04 k=29 ins_length=215 cov_cutoff=12 exp_cov=24 min_contig_lgth=100 scaffolding=no Velvet
Edena 3 m=30 Edena
SOAPdenovo 1.05 K=29 M=3 SOAPdenovo
CLC 4.7.2 insert_size_range=194,236 minimum_contig_length=100 CLC

Merged File: Set1_Contig