R. sphaeroides

Revision as of 01 August 2013 20:16 by admin (Comments | Contribs) | (Evaluation)

Rhodobacter sphaeroides strain 2.4.1. The R. sphaeroides 2.4.1 consists of two circular chromosomes of 3,188,609 bp and 943,016 bp, and five plasmids of 114,045 bp, 114,178 bp, 105,284 bp, 100,828 bp and 37,100 bp in length, respectively.

Read source

The paired-end illumina read data of R. sphaeroides were available at Gage-B.

Sequence assembly

We have downloaded scaffolding assemblies from SPAdes website.

Contig integrator

CISA's contigs


  • Benchmark genome
R. sphaeroides 2.4.1
  • Evaluated by QUAST
Running QUAST needs gene and sequence information.
  • Score with QUAST:  more detail. There are 4388 genes in total.
Basic statisitcs ABySS CABOD MaSuRCA SGA SOAPdenovo SPAdes 2.5 Velvet CISA
# contigs 382 131 52 733 185 40 143 35
Largest contig 71578 177098 241348 44874 204500 739647 236829 740054
Total length 4503182 3953489 4247061 4091078 4549335 4781613 4526809 4950301
NG50 21441 40287 144812 7971 45133 518052 85272 523557
# misassemblies 2 6 5 0 3 9 17 24
Misassembled contigs length  24651 135726 40523 0 24631 1180527 564277 1850338
Genome statistics
Genome fraction (%) 97.529 85.608 91.915 87.77 98.068 99.37 97.437 99.474
# genes 4030 + 275 part  3685 + 128 part  4036 + 38 part  3348 + 592 part  4046 + 307 part  4347 + 23 part  4068 + 265 part  4358 + 19 part 
# mismatches per 100 kbp 4.83 10.51 12.48 3.22 5.98 5.82 13.11 6.42
# indels per 100 kbp 3.43 7.97 5.84 3.34 3.9 3.63 8.34 3.69
# N's per 100kbp 0 20.77 4.83 0 139.23 0 739.09 3.68