Saureus 35

Revision as of 26 February 2013 21:12 by admin (Comments | Contribs)
Name NumContigs NumRefReplicons NumAssemblyBases NumReferenceBases NumLCBs DCJ_Distance NumDCJBlocks NumSNPs NumMisCalled NumUnCalled NumGapsRef NumGapsAssembly TotalBasesMissed PercBasesMissed ExtraBases PercExtraBases MissingChromosomes ExtraContigs NumSharedBoundaries NumInterLcbBoundaries BrokenCDS IntactCDS ContigN50^ ContigN90 MinContigLength MaxContigLength N50^ blast Units(>200) N50^ cor.Units cor.N50 Error,(Indel>=5,Inv,Rel)
A_S_E_V.m2.ctg.fa.fas 568 2 2769736 2841116 10 560 562 70 70 0 532 403 85722 3.0172 7648 0.2761 0 11 1 5 107 2544 10672 2589 108 42022 11094 2451 515 10549 517 10467 2,(0,0,2)
A_S_V_E.m2.ctg.fa.fas 568 2 2768942 2841116 10 560 562 67 67 0 532 402 85728 3.0174 6860 0.2477 0 11 1 5 107 2544 10672 2589 108 42022 11094 2450 515 10549 517 10467 2,(0,0,2)
A_V_S_E.m2.ctg.fa.fas 568 2 2768793 2841116 4 560 562 63 63 0 529 401 85334 3.0035 6793 0.2453 0 9 1 1 106 2545 10672 2589 108 42022 11094 2450 515 10549 517 10467 2,(0,0,2)
A_E_V_S.m2.ctg.fa.fas 568 2 2768415 2841116 6 562 564 70 70 0 532 407 86175 3.0331 7558 0.273 0 7 1 3 99 2552 10672 2578 108 42022 11094 2449 516 10549 518 10467 2,(0,0,2)
E_V_S_A.m2.ctg.fa.fas 568 2 2769559 2841116 7 561 563 72 72 0 532 404 85534 3.0106 7539 0.2722 0 10 1 2 101 2550 10672 2589 108 42022 11094 2450 517 10549 520 10467 3,(1,0,2)
E_A_V_S.m2.ctg.fa.fas 568 2 2768415 2841116 8 561 563 90 90 0 528 405 86533 3.0457 7599 0.2745 0 9 1 4 95 2556 10672 2578 108 42022 11094 2449 516 10549 518 10467 2,(0,0,2)
S_A_V_E.m2.ctg.fa.fas 568 2 2768941 2841116 4 558 560 84 84 0 527 399 85380 3.0052 6755 0.244 0 11 1 1 107 2544 10672 2589 108 42022 11094 2450 515 10549 517 10467 2,(0,0,2)
S_V_E_A.m2.ctg.fa.fas 567 2 2769768 2841116 4 557 559 82 82 0 526 400 85268 3.0012 7470 0.2697 0 11 1 1 107 2544 10672 2589 108 42022 11094 2451 516 10549 518 10467 2,(0,0,2)
S_E_V_A.m2.ctg.fa.fas 568 2 2769712 2841116 9 561 563 63 63 0 532 406 85390 3.0055 7536 0.2721 0 11 1 3 97 2554 10672 2578 108 42022 11094 2450 517 10549 519 10467 2,(0,0,2)
V_A_E_S.m2.ctg.fa.fas 569 2 2767717 2841116 4 559 561 74 74 0 528 401 86501 3.0446 6652 0.2403 0 11 1 1 106 2545 10672 2589 108 42022 11094 2448 517 10549 519 10467 2,(0,0,2)
A_S_E_V.gaa.ctg.fa.fas 974 2 2793850 2841116 4 885 887 152 152 0 822 632 78055 2.7473 13505 0.4834 0 89 1 2 169 2482 7758 1589 100 32731 7796 2349 736 7511 738 7511 3,(0,0,3)
A_S_V_E.gaa.ctg.fa.fas 975 2 2794180 2841116 4 887 889 107 107 0 821 632 77989 2.745 13646 0.4884 0 88 1 2 169 2482 7758 1589 100 32731 7796 2349 736 7511 738 7511 3,(0,0,3)
A_E_S_V.gaa.ctg.fa.fas 976 2 2793866 2841116 4 888 890 89 89 0 823 636 77741 2.7363 13539 0.4846 0 88 1 2 170 2481 7758 1589 100 32731 7796 2349 736 7511 738 7511 2,(0,0,2)
A_V_S_E.gaa.ctg.fa.fas 977 2 2794330 2841116 4 885 887 92 92 0 819 630 78173 2.7515 13490 0.4828 0 92 1 2 169 2482 7758 1589 100 32731 7796 2349 736 7511 738 7511 2,(0,0,2)
E_S_V_A.gaa.ctg.fa.fas 994 2 2790781 2841116 4 903 905 25 25 0 793 633 79673 2.8043 13538 0.4851 0 92 1 1 182 2469 6830 1641 100 37109 6936 2322 765 6803 766 6803 2,(0,0,2)
E_V_S_A.gaa.ctg.fa.fas 998 2 2791239 2841116 4 904 906 26 26 0 792 635 79601 2.8018 13538 0.485 0 95 1 1 182 2469 6830 1640 100 37109 6936 2322 766 6803 767 6803 2,(0,0,2)
S_V_A_E.gaa.ctg.fa.fas 960 2 2792927 2841116 10 903 905 44 44 0 844 641 75956 2.6735 14757 0.5284 0 61 1 4 171 2480 6398 1616 100 26969 6440 2351 780 6360 781 6355 3,(0,0,3)
V_E_S_A.gaa.ctg.fa.fas 1201 2 2798344 2841116 4 1104 1106 58 58 0 998 835 79219 2.7883 17817 0.6367 0 98 1 1 225 2426 5329 1319 100 22892 5335 2248 943 5322 945 5322 2,(0,0,2)
V_E_A_S.gaa.ctg.fa.fas 1202 2 2798250 2841116 4 1098 1100 55 55 0 992 829 80446 2.8315 17694 0.6323 0 105 1 1 224 2427 5329 1319 100 22892 5335 2248 941 5322 943 5322 2,(0,0,2)
V_A_S_E.gaa.ctg.fa.fas 1203 2 2798480 2841116 4 1104 1106 134 134 0 996 830 79769 2.8077 17762 0.6347 0 100 1 1 224 2427 5329 1319 100 22892 5335 2248 941 5322 943 5322 2,(0,0,2)

[^] Please note that the ContigN50 calculated by Mauve Assembly Metrics is incorrect (off-by-one error). We have followed the definition of N50 (A contig N50 is calculated by first ordering every contig by length from longest to shortest. Next, starting from the longest contig, the lengths of each contig are summed, until this running sum equals one-half of the total length of all contigs in the assembly. The contig N50 of the assembly is the length of the shortest contig in this list. ref) to calculate N50s. GAGE's N50 was calculated using the total reference genome length rather than the sum total of contig lengths. The GAGE's cor.N50 values were computed after correcting contigs by breaking them at each error.