Ecoli 100

Revision as of 26 February 2013 21:08 by admin (Comments | Contribs)
Name NumContigs NumAssemblyBases DCJ_Distance NumMisCalled NumUnCalled NumGapsRef NumGapsAssembly TotalBasesMissed PercBasesMissed ExtraBases PercExtraBases BrokenCDS IntactCDS ContigN50^ ContigN90 MaxContigLength N50^ blast Units(>200) N50^ cor.Units cor.N50 Error,(Indel>=5,Inv,Rel)
A_S_E_V_m2.fasta - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 88066 4114 93 87312 104 69083 13,(8,1,4)
A_S_V_E_m2.fasta 95 4498055 92 419 0 141 118 192181 4.1421 40357 0.8972 80 4240 83035 27852 222529 87312 4119 95 83035 112 60352 17,(8,3,6)
A_E_V_S_m2.fasta 93 4700062 88 212 0 135 103 325690 7.0197 308089 6.555 76 4244 88066 28921 222527 89493 4144 93 89493 105 70581 12,(6,2,4)
E_S_V_A_m2.fasta 96 4704189 85 176 0 123 98 418550 9.0211 365434 7.7683 75 4245 88066 27859 222527 89493 4066 96 89493 104 70581 10,(5,2,3)
E_S_A_V_m2.fasta 93 4518699 86 231 0 127 95 354739 7.6458 129692 2.8701 82 4238 87312 27859 222527 88066 4036 93 88066 103 69083 12,(7,2,3)
S_E_V_A_m2.fasta 95 4653359 83 228 0 123 100 378755 8.1634 333728 7.1718 70 4250 89493 26897 222526 92449 4064 95 97085 104 70581 9,(5,2,2)
S_E_A_V_m2.fasta 93 4480799 87 218 0 125 95 230438 4.9667 50795 1.1336 80 4240 87312 27852 222526 88066 4083 93 88066 103 70581 11,(6,2,3)
S_V_A_E_m2.fasta 92 4559756 88 159 0 129 103 424010 9.1388 332126 7.2839 69 4251 88066 28735 222528 89493 4015 92 88066 108 68586 15,(7,2,6)
V_A_S_E_m2.fasta 94 4451687 93 234 0 133 104 239506 5.1621 43537 0.978 78 4242 83033 27852 252067 87313 4067 94 83033 112 69083 16,(7,3,6)
V_E_A_S_m2.fasta 97 4727254 92 220 0 129 109 339828 7.3244 283355 5.9941 73 4247 83032 27852 222526 83343 4095 97 87313 109 66445 14,(6,5,3)
A_S_E_V_gaa.fas 192 4651534 109 118 76 148 113 47503 1.0238 25664 0.5517 72 4248 71826 22184 222524 76989 4249 131 76989 131 71821 5,(2,0,3)
A_E_V_S_gaa.fas 192 4651534 109 119 76 148 113 47501 1.0238 25662 0.5517 72 4248 71826 22184 222524 76989 4249 131 76989 131 71821 5,(2,0,3)
A_E_S_V_gaa.fas 192 4651534 109 118 76 148 113 47502 1.0238 25663 0.5517 72 4248 71826 22184 222524 76989 4249 131 76989 131 71821 5,(2,0,3)
E_S_A_V_gaa.fas 426 4620144 327 73 0 284 272 67866 1.4627 14165 0.3066 143 4177 24217 6668 104748 24389 4062 378 24389 358 24389 4,(3,0,1)
E_A_S_V_gaa.fas 426 4619478 326 73 0 283 271 68588 1.4783 14039 0.3039 143 4177 24217 6715 104748 24389 4062 378 24389 358 24389 4,(3,0,1)
E_V_S_A_gaa.fas 426 4620286 331 95 3 288 276 66190 1.4266 16989 0.3677 143 4177 24217 6715 104748 24389 4062 378 24389 356 24389 2,(1,0,1)
E_V_A_S_gaa.fas 426 4619902 330 95 3 287 275 66944 1.4429 16895 0.3657 143 4177 24217 6715 104748 24389 4062 378 24389 356 24389 2,(1,0,1)
E_A_V_S_gaa.fas 426 4619602 326 71 0 283 271 68587 1.4783 14039 0.3039 143 4177 24217 6715 104748 24389 4065 378 24389 358 24389 4,(3,0,1)
V_A_E_S_gaa.fas 201 4655377 127 153 78 149 134 57658 1.2427 38463 0.8262 68 4252 72258 18819 215972 77897 4230 161 77897 149 68585 14,(5,5,4)
V_A_S_E_gaa.fas 201 4655472 125 139 78 146 133 55825 1.2032 36177 0.7771 68 4252 72258 18819 215972 77897 4230 161 77897 149 68585 14,(5,5,4)

[^] Please note that the ContigN50 calculated by Mauve Assembly Metrics is incorrect (off-by-one error). We have followed the definition of N50 (A contig N50 is calculated by first ordering every contig by length from longest to shortest. Next, starting from the longest contig, the lengths of each contig are summed, until this running sum equals one-half of the total length of all contigs in the assembly. The contig N50 of the assembly is the length of the shortest contig in this list. ref) to calculate N50s. GAGE's N50 was calculated using the total reference genome length rather than the sum total of contig lengths. The GAGE's cor.N50 values were computed after correcting contigs by breaking them at each error.