Metabolic Maps @Jun 22, 2011 1:12:08 AM

KEGG pathway maps

GEMsME is designed to recognize KEGG Metabolism pathway maps which are made in KEGG Markup Language. You can directly retrieve KEGG pathway maps in GEMsME by setting a link where XML files locate (e.g. Alternatively, you can import KEGG pathway maps to GEMsME.

GEMsME can also recognize SBML files generated by CellDesigner, which is a popular kinetic modeling tool of biochemical networks with graphical user interface.

The SBML models for KEGG compatible to CellDesigner can be found and downloaded in In addition, a software KEGG2SBML can convert KEGG pathway files to SBML files. For demonstration, a SBML file eco00010.xml is provided here.

Customized maps

Here, we provide several customized maps for your reference. core map.cartomap