SPAdes - D2

We used Dataset 2, Rhodobacter sphaeroides strain 2.4.1. --pe1-1 frag_1.fastq --pe1-2 frag_2.fastq --mp1-1 jump_1.fastq --mp1-2 jump_2.fastq --pacbio long.fasta -o output --pe1-1 frag_1.fastq --pe1-2 frag_2.fastq --mp1-1 jump_1.fastq --mp1-2 jump_2.fastq -o output


  • Benchmark genome
R. sphaeroides 2.4.1
  • Evaluated by QUAST
Running QUAST requires gene list and reference genome. There are 4388 genes in total.
Basic statistics Website Data Raw Data
# contigs 57 44
Largest contig 1209840 1895290
Total length 4566203 4584163
N50 318530 422736
# misassemblies 33 10
Misassembled contigs length 3312932 1235058
# mismatches per 100kbp 53.46 37.73
# indels per 100kbp 23.18 8.02
# N's per 100kbp 203.41 79.88
Genome statistics
Genome fraction (%) 98.589 99.157
Duplication ratio 1.006 1.005
# genes 4170 + 166 part  4287 + 68 part
NGA50 164917 331154
Running Time 27m 1hr 39m

Misassemblies for Adobe reader.

  • Score with QUAST: Without PacBio Long Reads more detail
Basic statistics Website Data Raw Data
# contigs 114 93
Largest contig 902414 1213129
Total length 4572450 4572029
N50 183697 223105
# misassemblies 27 6
Misassembled contigs length 2751349 719244
# mismatches per 100kbp 54.6 33.53
# indels per 100kbp 9.48 5.25
# N's per 100kbp 508.06 141.6
Genome statistics
Genome fraction (%) 98.555 98.821
Duplication ratio 1.009 1.006
# genes 4063 + 285 part  4208 + 144 part
NGA50 148794 217190
Running Time 1hr 19m 1d 15hr 44m

Misassemblies for Adobe reader.