SPAdes - D3

We used Dataset 3, Streptococcus pneumoniae TIGR4 --pe1-1 frag_1.fastq --pe1-2 frag_2.fastq --mp1-1 jump_1.fastq --mp1-2 jump_2.fastq --pacbio long.fasta -o output --pe1-1 frag_1.fastq --pe1-2 frag_2.fastq --mp1-1 jump_1.fastq --mp1-2 jump_2.fastq -o output


  • Benchmark genome
S. pneumoniae TIGR4
  • Evaluated by QUAST
Running QUAST needs gene list and NC_003028.fna information. There are 2301 genes in total.
Basic statistics Website Data Raw Data
# contigs 20 90
Largest contig 433183 423414
Total length 2157030 2239813
N50 210016 365564
# misassemblies 13 8
Misassembled contigs length 1358992 815978
# mismatches per 100kbp 26.66 31.5
# indels per 100kbp 4.52 2.89
# N's per 100kbp 727.2 414.9
Genome statistics
Genome fraction (%) 98.267 99.177
Duplication ratio 1.017 1.018
# genes 2244 + 25 part  2269 + 21 part
NGA50 124123 208537
Running Time 19m 1hr 8m

Misassemblies for Adobe reader.

  • Score with QUAST: Without PacBio Long Reads more detail
Basic statistics Website Data Raw Data
# contigs 65 142
Largest contig 247182 362472
Total length 2176172 2192447
N50 84287 81903
# misassemblies 19 3
Misassembled contigs length 1114155 85063
# mismatches per 100kbp 20.9 18.33
# indels per 100kbp 2.14 2.1
# N's per 100kbp 1305.04 1019.23
Genome statistics
Genome fraction (%) 97.185 97.179
Duplication ratio 1.022 1.019
# genes 2177 + 57 part  2170 + 62 part
NGA50 71450 81058
Running Time 11m 51m

Misassemblies for Adobe reader.