*<font size=3>Objective optimization</font>
*<font size=3>Objective optimization</font>
Select a metabolic model and a map (if you have) for objective optimization, the flux result can be visulized in the map.
*<font size=3>Robustness analysis</font>
*<font size=3>Robustness analysis</font>
Select a metabolic model and
*<font size=3>Flux variability analysis</font>
*<font size=3>Flux variability analysis</font>
Select a metabolic model and a map (if you have) for flux variability analysis, the min and max fluxes of reaction can be plotted in the map and the blocked reaction are tagged with crosses.
*<font size=3>Essentiality analysis</font>
*<font size=3>Essentiality analysis</font>
Select a metabolic model for essentiality analysis, the computational essential genes or reactions can be identified.
*<font size=3>Gene deletion analysis</font>
*<font size=3>Gene deletion analysis</font>
Select a metabolic model for gene deletion analysis, the gene-deletion model can be saved and imported for further evaluation.
*<font size=3>Metabolic map creaction</font>
*<font size=3>Metabolic map creaction</font>