Version Differences for Read Depths

Line 71:
  After read correction, PBcR can be used to ''de novo'' assemble the genome using runCA or Mira3.    After read correction, PBcR can be used to ''de novo'' assemble the genome using runCA or Mira3. 
- We have assembled the genome with the all PBcR and the filtered PBcR (25X, using gatekeeper) by runCA   + We have assembled the genome with the all PBcR and the filtered PBcR (25X, using gatekeeper) by runCA.  
  runCA -p asm -d asm -s asm.spec PacBio_Illumia.frg > asm.out 2>&1    runCA -p asm -d asm -s asm.spec PacBio_Illumia.frg > asm.out 2>&1 
    + = Evaluation =  
    + We have evaluated the assemblies with [ QUAST 2.2](reference genome and genes下載).  
    + {| {{table}}  
    + | align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Statistics without reference'''  
    + | align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''071634_raw_asm.ctg'''  
    + | align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''192221_raw_asm.ctg'''  
    + | align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''210845_raw_asm.ctg'''  
    + | align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''071634_100X_asm.ctg'''  
    + | align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''071634_118X_asm.ctg'''  
    + |-  
    + | # contigs||80||93||83||61||69  
    + |-  
    + | Largest contig||745120||664876||562203||663399||434084  
    + |-  
    + | Total length||4975695||5031560||5043217||4804004||4805579  
    + |-  
    + | N50||356974||221472||324225||295449||179662  
    + |-  
    + | Misassemblies||||||||||  
    + |-  
    + | # misassemblies||11||17||21||10||13  
    + |-  
    + | Misassembled contigs length||1552524||976207||2108892||1222277||782726  
    + |-  
    + | Mismatches||||||||||  
    + |-  
    + | # mismatches per 100 kbp||3.32||2.91||3.06||7.08||6.4  
    + |-  
    + | # indels per 100 kbp||2.98||1.38||1.01||13.15||5.2  
    + |-  
    + | # N's per 100 kbp||0.38||0.12||0.22||0.4||0.37  
    + |-  
    + | Genome statistics||||||||||  
    + |-  
    + | Genome fraction (%)||99.97||100||100||99.304||99.424  
    + |-  
    + | Duplication ratio||1.074||1.086||1.090||1.043||1.047  
    + |-  
    + | # genes||4489 + 7 part||4490 + 7 part||4495 + 2 part||4461 + 25 part||4451 + 31 part  
    + |-  
    + | NGA50||357183||221098||279423||226118||179662  
    + |-  
    + |  
    + |}