
Revision as of 9 August 2013 21:46 by admin (Comments | Contribs) | (Raw)

The sequence data of E. coli K12 MG1655 were available at A reference paper "Reducing assembly complexity of microbial genomes with single-molecule sequencing" was posted on


Short Reads


Paired reads are available at Illumina Miseq (Mate1, Mate2)

Read length: 151bp

Read amount: 5,729,470 X2

Insert size ~ 300bp


The data in frg format were downloaded from Miseq100X

118X (HQ)

We have trimmed the sequence reads to be of error probability less than 0.05. The paired-end reads were discarded if one read is shorter than 150bp.

We therefore obtained 1,839,935 paired-end reads (~118X) with high quality for further analysis.

Long Reads


Although the PacBio sequence reads are available at SRA, we can not handle adapters correctly by using fastq-dump. We therefore requested for the h5 files from NCBI help desk.

Headline text