Version Differences for Dataset2

(Long reads)
(Long reads)
Line 20:
  We therefore obtained 1,839,935 paired-end reads (~118X, tMiSeq_PE.frg) with high quality for further analysis.    We therefore obtained 1,839,935 paired-end reads (~118X, tMiSeq_PE.frg) with high quality for further analysis. 
  == Long reads ==    == Long reads == 
- 17 SMRT Cells for E. coli MG1655 were downloaded (details in [[Data]] and [[Read Depths]]) and filtered with SMRT pipe   + 17 SMRT Cells for E. coli MG1655 were downloaded (details in [[Data]] and [[Read Depths]]) and filtered with smrtpipe.  
  = Assemblies with short reads only =    = Assemblies with short reads only = 
  Abyss, Edena, SPAdes, SOAPdenovo2, Velvet, CISA (Note at: 20130718_MiSeq_with_verious_Assemblers)    Abyss, Edena, SPAdes, SOAPdenovo2, Velvet, CISA (Note at: 20130718_MiSeq_with_verious_Assemblers)