Version Differences for Dataset2

(Long reads)
Line 24:
  Abyss, Edena, SPAdes, SOAPdenovo2, Velvet, CISA (Note at: 20130718_MiSeq_with_verious_Assemblers)    Abyss, Edena, SPAdes, SOAPdenovo2, Velvet, CISA (Note at: 20130718_MiSeq_with_verious_Assemblers) 
  MaSuRCA (note at: MaSuRCA for MiSeq Data)    MaSuRCA (note at: MaSuRCA for MiSeq Data) 
- = PacBio corrected reads (PBcR) =      
- To correct the PacBio CLR with raw short reads:      
- pacBioToCA -length 1000 -partitions 200 -l PacBio_Illumia -s pacbio.spec -fastq PacBio_10kb_CLR.fastq Ecoli_MG1655_PE.frg 1>PacBio_Illumia_Ecoli.out 2>error.out      
- To correct the PacBio CLR with 100X high-quality reads (p<0.05, length of paired-end read>=100bp)      
- pacBioToCA -length 500 -partitions 200 -l PacBio_Illumia -s pacbio.spec -fastq PacBio_10kb_CLR.fastq 100X_Ecoli_PE.frg      
  = Assemblies with hybrid methods =    = Assemblies with hybrid methods = 
Line 35:
- runCA (20130807_MG1655_s1s2_with_verious_Assemblers for 100X, 20120628_20120628_PacBio_With_CA(Celera Assembler)_Wgs), MIRA3   + runCA (Details can be seen in [[Read Depths]], [[pacBioToCA]] and [[runCA]]), MIRA3  
  == Hybrid assemble from pre-assembled contigs and long reads ==    == Hybrid assemble from pre-assembled contigs and long reads ==